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Pure Noise  Records signs plethora of new talented bands

Pure Noise Records signs plethora of new talented bands


Pure Noise Records is starting off 2019 with a huge bang with the list of different bands they’ve signed in recent months, spanning multiple genres. Along with many other bands on the label releasing music, including Rotting Out coming back after being away for a while. Here are just a few of their recent signings that should have you stoked on this year. 

Year Of The Knife – Fatal


Year of the Knife are a straight edge band from Delaware which is expected to release their first full length titled Ultimate Aggression on April 5th, 2019. Their sound is a bit more straight forward hardcore, but they kill it every step of the way. This year may be the year of the Year of the Fist, as many have said in the comments of the music video up above. 

SeeYouSpaceCowboy… – Self Help Specialist Ends Own Life


SeeYouSpaceCowboy… has become a personal favorite of mine recently, due to a hate5six video they were featured in. Recently they put out a full length which is essentially their entire discography, plus a few new songs if I’m not mistaken, put together onto one record, which in my opinion makes it more convenient for the listener. This most recent release is titled Songs For The Firing Squad, and it’s full of amazing instrumentals and all around amazing heaviness. And this is another reason I love Pure Noise, the next artist I’m gonna mention is on the other side of the spectrum, yet still brings plenty of energy. 


Just Friends – Supersonic 


The third signing I want to mention is this band Just Friends. They’re straight from the Bay Area of California and their sound is one of the most unique I’ve seen around. My first introduction to them was their album Rock 2 the Rhythm, which didn’t include their talented female vocalist. That’s what I love about this band–right when I thought I knew them, they delivered something so similar yet so much more thought out. Give them a listen on their newest record Nothing but Love. 
