Slipknot’s Corey Taylor opens up about ex-drummer Joey Jordison
In a recent interview with Living Out Loud LA, Slipknot vocalist Corey Taylor gave details regarding former drummer, Joey Jordison. Slipknot and Jordison parted ways back in December 2013 which was a shock to fans as well as Jordison himself as he claims to have not quit the band and was “blindsided” by the news.
Check out an except of the interview (transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH) below as well as the full interview by Living Out Loud LA.
“When we parted ways with Joe, it was honestly because of necessity; he was going one way and we were going another, and we just couldn’t go that way anymore. And honestly, that’s all I can really say about it. But I can tell you that starting to move on without him was one of the most difficult things we’ve ever done. I mean, just as hard, in a lot of ways, as trying to move on without Paul. But, like anything, it takes those first couple of steps, and then it gets a little easier. It doesn’t get better by any means, by any stretch of the imagination, but it gets easier. With the new guys, it’s really kind of a 2.0 kind of situation, where it’s the second phase of Slipknot’s career, basically. And it’s different. In a lot of ways, it’s more fun. But in a lot of ways, it’s bittersweet. Because you’ve got two dudes who you kind of went to the trenches with, and you stood on shoulders to kind of get to where you were, and then you lose one and then you have to split with another. It’s difficult at times, because you’ve got two great dudes who you’re jamming with right now, but they don’t understand a lot of the sacrifice and the toil that went into a lot of it. But at the same time, they have such respect not only for the band, but the music and what we’re doing.”
– Corey Taylor (Slipknot) (via BLABBERMOUTH)