Oli Sykes (BMTH) destroys Coldplay’s table at award ceremony; Coldplay comments
During Bring Me The Horizon’s performance of “Happy Song” at the NME awards Wednesday night, vocalist Oli Sykes jumped onto Coldplay’s table and eventually destroyed it mid-song. Video footage has been provided below.
There has been prior history between BMTH and Coldplay as Oli has mentioned in the past that Coldplay ripped off the Sempiternal album cover for their newest album A Head Full Of Dreams.
Following the award ceremony, BMTH was interviewed by NME and clarified that Oli’s actions were not in protest.
“I don’t think [Oli] was aiming for Coldplay. It was just whoever was nearest, it [just] happened to be Coldplay.”
– Jordan Fish (keyboardist)
”I had no sound in my ears so I thought ‘Well, there might be sound out there.’ There weren’t sound out there, so when I came back there was a table, which I got on. There wasn’t any sound on there, but it was a bit more energetic up there. It was in no way a protest against Coldplay.”
– Oli Sykes (vocalist)
Meanwhile on Coldplay’s side, vocalist Chris Martin said to NME that he had never even heard of Bring Me The Horizon before the performance, but that “it was great, very rock n’ roll.”