Higuera has been at it for some time, mainly releasing a single every few months. This time around the singer, and sole writer, Valley, has come out with Porchlight which in my opinion takes what he was originally doing and doing it better. Higuera enlisted the help of Micah Schultz, of Gravel Tooth Productions, to bring us a video that is just as intriguing as the music. While the video is slowed down a bit, and very minimalist, it is in complete correspondence with the wort of feeling I get with the song itself. Nothing is too in your face, yet it keeps you wondering, “What’s gonna happen next?” Instrumentation is very subtle on this track, only consisting of vocals, guitar, and layers of background vocals to give the track a little more depth.
Due to the minimalism of the track, there isn’t much to mention in terms of how the different instruments intertwine together. Higuera does a great job of layering his vocals with the background harmonies, and the differentiation between the main vocals and the backing guitar is spot-on. During the breaks between chorus’ and verses, Higuera adds a few different leads to add some flavor to the track. While it’s very subtle in its delivery, it adds some flavor to the track which would otherwise be somewhat repetitive and bland without it.
Not to say the layering of vocals doesn’t already add some extra flavor to the mix, it might be one of my favorite aspects of the track. It compliments the guitar tone and is probably one of the underlying reasons why this track is both minimal but larger than life at times. The inner heavy-music enthusiast wishes there may have been a grandiose end but honestly, the way it sort of just ends is probably the best way to end a track like this. Overall, a great track by Higuera and one I’ll be bumping in my car for the next month.