Los Angeles based pop-punk band In Her Own Words have returned with a brand new EP, entitled ‘Left In the Dark’. This marks their first release since 2022’s ‘Distance or Decay’. This EP dives into what makes this band special, but also diving into newer territory with poppier elements and more mainstream songs for the new era of this band.
The EP opens with the first single and one of the catchiest tracks of the year so far, with “Beg for More”. This right off the bat gives a more big sound for this band that hadn’t been featured in their previous work. It reminds me of someone like Set It Off, whom they toured with a couple years prior to this. It’s got such an infectious chorus, and the melodies are something they are no stranger to excelling at. It’s definitely made to be a hit track and I hope it gets them more listeners from this song alone. I also really appreciate vocalist Joey Fleming and guitarist/backing vocalist Andretti Almalel‘s vocals going kinda back and forth during the bridge, they mix well together. We jump to the next track with a non-single, in “Practice Makes Perfect”. This gives off some huge 2000’s era of pop-punk vibes so well, and I think the newer direction is incorporated well into a track like this. The melodies once again are at an all time high, and Joey sounds great on this song. I think it’s giving a bit of vibes of their last record in the best ways. We then follow up with the second single from the record, with “Story of Us”. This one is just an absolute banger of a track, and I can easily see this being a set staple kind of song for them. I think the poppier vibes on the verses really compliment the energetic and punchy kind of chorus. I cannot understand just how much of a powerhouse Joey is as a vocalist, and it’s insane just how underrated he is in the genre. Like he’s got the musical capabilities in performance and writing similar to that of Derek Discanio of State Champs, and he and this band deserves more hype. We reach another single and probably my favorite track off this EP, with “I Think It’s Time”. It’s a classic type of pop-punk song, bouncy during the chorus and the pop elements shining so well. It gives off such summer vibes and it’s the kind of track I would use as an example of this band at their strongest.
We follow that up with the most recent single, with “96 Hours”. I appreciate this one starting off with an acoustic and feeling low-key, as it builds up to a satisfying final act. The 2000’s vibes are strong on this one as well in a more mainstream sense, and the orchestral elements really make this one feel huge and memorable. I also applaud Joey once again for being such a heart on your sleeve type of songwriter and it shows in spades here especially. The screams during the full band coming in were a nice surprise for this type of song, I’m all here for it. The penultimate track arrives in the form of a non-single, with “You”. This one easily gives off the most pop-rock type of vibes from the EP. Like I feel such The Band Camino vibes listening to a song like this, especially during the chorus. The energy is pretty uplifting and I can just imagine this being the type of song to listen to bright and early in the morning on a sunny day. The lyrics are very adorable and worded in a way that doesn’t feel cheesy, but more genuine. The run of lyrics delivered by Joey in the second verse are well delivered as well, so shoutout to that. We reach the last track of the EP with the third single with “House Party”. This one is probably my least favorite of these songs, but it’s still fun and catchy nonetheless so I can’t really complain over it. I think Alex Magnan of Young Culture‘s feature on this track is incorporated pretty well, and him and Joey have a similar vibe to their own respective songs. It’s also the most playful of these songs in its lyrics and just feels silly and give off that party vibe.
So all in all, ‘Left In the Dark’ further makes the case that In Her Own Words continues to be one of the most underrated bands in the genre AND the scene. This band deserves their flowers and to be on bigger tours going forward, with how catchy and impressive their songs are and this EP is no exception. Give this band a go if you’re a fan of the genre, and just good tunes overall.