Alternative rock band Slaves is set to release their newest full length album, To Better Days, this Friday, and honestly- this album has no skips…at all.
The band, who is made up of drummer Zack Baker, bassist Colin Vieira, guitarists Wes Richmond, Felipe Sanchez, and of course the newest member of the band, vocalist and NBC’s The Voice runner up Matt McAndrew, prove that they are a force to be reckoned with in the scene with this new release. McAndrew seamlessly joined the band after former vocalist Jonny Craig left following the release of the 2018 album Beautiful Death, and To Better Days is a perfect segway to show us what the new frontman has up his sleeve for not just now, but the years to come.
The thirteen track album features singles “Talk to a Friend”, “Wasting my Youth”, “Like I Do”and the latest, “Eye Opener”, which all perfectly showcase the band’s hard rock and post hardcore influences all while adding that bit of pop flair that is guaranteed to launch this release into the mainstream before we know it. It features a little of everything, with an intro that will pull you in for the long haul, and a gorgeous acoustic track titled “Footprints”, that blends in perfectly with the rest of the more “hard rock” based tracks.
The overall production quality is absolutely stunning, with echoey, airy effects and perfectly executed synth that perfectly compliment interesting and unique instrumentals. Coupling this with McAndrew’s jaw dropping vocals (that could arguably be some of the best in the scene currently), and catchy as hell hooks, this album will be one you’ll want to be jamming to for a while.
Although this is not exactly a concept album, the lyrics do a great job telling a story from start to finish, especially ending the album on the totally badass single “Like I Do” (which if you haven’t been singing “no one fucks with me like I do” at the top of your lungs yet at some point, what are you doing???). There are prominent themes of relationships, with not just another person but with oneself and trying to find happiness in the pain that we experience throughout life which is something we could all relate to at some point!
The sound of the album definitely helps to compliment the meaning behind the lyrics as well, giving us very upbeat, and just cool vibes all together. We can’t wait to see what else Slaves has in store for us in the future!
To Better Days drops August 7th, 2020. Let us know what your take is!