EP: Nekokat – ‘Communicaton’
A new start. A distinct sound. And a collaboration of different artists teaming up to release something fresh for their audience.
Jordan Witzigreuter of The Ready Set decided to team up with The Summer Set’s drummer Jess Bowen and also collaborator Cameron Walker to produce their own EP, Communication via Washington Square/ Razor & Tie. The group has named themselves “Nekokat” which was inspired to Jordan by the actual Japanese pop art due to the blow-up dolls that followed him on tour.
Starting the four track EP off, “Communication” opens it with a soft, mellow sound that gives off the feeling of exploring new beginnings. The track is pieced together with bits of electronic sounds and mellow guitar playing. Halfway through, the tempo builds and becomes more lively and then ends back where it started, slowly fading out.
Although the first track begins off soft, the rest of the EP does the exact opposite. Each track gives off a youthful vibe.
“Don’t be loud” could serve as a song that gets the entire room up and singing together. For starters, the intro does exactly what the title says not to– it’s loud! Claps and stomps start off the song and lead immediately to Jordan singing, as if he’s beginning a conversation with another person. As the song progresses, his voice develops more power, as if he’s making a statement. When the chorus comes around, there’s a diversity of sounds that could be heard. The light pounding drums, melodic guitar, and a unique shaking of some sort of bell.
It seems as if each song’s sound ties into the title because throughout “The Reckless” you feel young, wild, and well, reckless. The energy throughout the track creates a mood of euphoria that makes someone feel careless. The drums have to be the most dominant on this track because it definitely lets it sound be heard, especially the cymbals and bass drum.
Ending the playful EP, “Gimme a Break” is the most animated sounding. You can almost imagine those Neko Cats smiling everywhere! Even though the bounciness of the song catches the most attention, the lyrics should be looked at closely. “Come on, gimme a break! ‘Cause you ain’t foolin’ no one,” pretty much sums up the song– be yourself, and don’t act like something you’re not. I think that’s pretty powerful and by having the song as lively as it is gets that point across.
It’s different, that’s for sure. But the energetic sounds definitely make it worth the listen, and shows that starting fresh can actually be a great thing.