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Of Mice & Men debut new single, “How To Survive”

Alfredo Preciado
Though it’s only been a year removed since Of Mice & Men’s last, Defy, the band have unleashed their latest single “How To Survive.” “How To Survive” was recorded with producer Josh Wilbur (Lamb of God, Gojira, Trivium) and does not feature any clean vocals from frontman/bassist Aaron Pauley. A statement from Pauley himself can be found […]

ALBUM: Northlane – ‘Mesmer’

Michael Bird
NEW NORTHLANE! OUTTA NOWHERE! Well, it had been obvious something was coming from the steady trickle of tracks the band dropped over the last few months, but they and the team behind them deserve props for keeping Mesmer a pretty well kept secret before it was unleashed on an unsuspecting world. This does create a […]

ALBUM: Memphis May Fire – ‘This Light I Hold’

Michael Bird
Bring Me the Horizon have ‘gone pop’. Of Mice & Men have gone KROQ. Asking Alexandria… well lord knows what’s happening with them right now, but if Danny Worsnop is back for good then it wouldn’t be surprising if they went further down the rock ‘n’ roll route they’d tapped into as early as Reckless […]